Maintaining communications with students in dual delivery teaching

Jessica Welch and Dr Sarah Frankland discuss practices and strategies they have used to support online and dual delivery teaching.

Duality in teaching modes - blended delivery (online and on-campus) - for students who can attend campus, and wholly online (for students who cannot attend) poses challenges for teaching staff to communicate with students.

In this video, hear Jessica Welch and Dr Sarah Frankland discuss practices and strategies they have used to maintain effective communications with students regardless of their study mode.

This Zoom webinar is part of the Teaching and Learning Seminars series.


Dr Jessica Welch

Lecturer and Subject Coordinator, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Jessica is a Lecturer and Subject Coordinator in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and has also held roles in nonprofit science outreach and industry and government research. She coordinates the third year BBiomed core BIOM30002 and two DMI subjects, lectures into undergraduate and postgraduate subjects and chairs the SBS Careers Working Group. Jessica has applied her previous experience in science communication to improving student engagement across a range of spaces, particularly since the shift to online learning. This has included implementing online activities to foster a sense of connection with and between students, and providing consistent, reliable and useful sources of information during a time of constant change.

Dr Sarah Frankland

Senior Lecturer (Agricultural Sciences), Agriculture and Food
Dr Sarah Frankland is officially a Senior Lecturer in Agriculture, which is an odd job really. She has bachelors degrees in Archaeology and Biochemistry, has researched coral symbioses and the workings of malaria parasites. Her current research interests center on students self regulation of learning and the development of reflective practice. Sarah’s “farm” is two acres in the Macedon Ranges complete with a host of ducks, chickens, quail, fish, orchard, vege beds, partner, kids and cats.