A Framework for Educational Excellence

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Developed in consultation with staff and students, the University of Melbourne’s Framework for Educational Excellence identifies seven critical dimensions of staff activity that contribute to an excellent educational experience.
The framework’s dimensions and elements provide an agreed structure and vocabulary which may be used both for guiding teaching practice and for describing staff contributions for the purposes of award nominations, performance review, confirmation, and promotion.

The framework is not intended to be a prescriptive, ‘one-size-fits-all’ checklist of activities. Instead, it highlights the diverse ways – both visible and hidden – in which academic and professional staff may contribute to excellent educational outcomes: from the planning and design of learning materials, activities and assessments, to subject delivery, communication and the provision of feedback, support and encouragement. It also recognises the significance of productive collaborative relationships, a scholarly mindset, a commitment to ongoing improvement, and a willingness to lead and share high quality educational experiences. Implicit in this framing is the recognition that education is a partnership, which cannot succeed without active engagement from both staff and students.

The university has also developed a guide with suggestions for how staff can evidence excellence across each of the dimensions of the framework.

The seven dimensions