Peer Review of Teaching
Collegial Feedback on Teaching: A guide to peer review Kelly Farrell (2011) Good teaching includes the continuous monitoring of the effects of teaching on students’ learning using a variety of evaluative techniques. As the name suggests, peer review of teaching is simply the process of having a colleague review one’s teaching and provide feedback. This can then be used alongside student feedback to provide an academic with a broad perspective on the effectiveness of what they do which, in turn, assists them to develop appropriate responses to the findings. Download PDF View individual forms here |
Peer Review of Teaching in Australian Higher Education Kerril-Lee Harris, Kelly Farrell, Maureen Bell, Marcia Devlin and Richard James (2008) Peer review of teaching is not universally practised in Australian universities. However, there is some evidence that the potential of peer review to contribute to enhancing university teaching is recognised. A number of universities have adopted or experimented with strategies to encourage peer review of teaching, including through incorporation in academic development programs, references in human resources policies and, in some cases, the implementation of systematic programs at institutional, faculty or departmental levels. Despite this, peer review is an infrequent and generally piecemeal activity. Download PDF |
See also: the Melbourne Peer Review of Teaching Program