Frequently asked questions

  • Who can have their teaching reviewed?

    Melbourne PRT program is voluntary and open to all teaching academic staff.

  • What kind of class can I select for the observation?

    Any type of teaching context (e.g. online, large class, clinical) can be selected for the peer observation. Reviewers will observe up to 1 hour maximum. If you are teaching a 3-hour class, nominate which hour you would like observed. If you are unsure, we advise that you choose the first hour as it will include your introduction of the topic and session

    In addition to the teaching observation, your teaching portfolio and subject outline will be considered in the review process.

  • Who will be my reviewer?

    You will be assigned a reviewer from the Melbourne College of Reviewers. The expert reviewers appointment is based on their sustained record of demonstrated teaching excellence, innovation and/or leadership. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, you will not be allocated reviewers from your immediate department or unit. However, where possible, the assigned reviewer will be from the same broad field of study.

  • What is the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 peer review?

    Tier 1 refers to Faculty/School-based peer review programs for ongoing collaborative professional development and teaching improvement. Tier 2 is a University-wide Melbourne PRT program for performance appraisal and formal recognition of teaching per the University’s Academic Performance Framework and the ACBI guidelines for Performance Development Review (PDR).

  • What does the acceptance to the Melbourne PRT program entail?

    Following a successful application, you will be notified regarding your reviewer and review date. You will submit a teaching portfolio and subject outline 3 weeks before the review date. Within 2 weeks of the observation (review date) you will receive your reviewer’s report. You will have the opportunity to prepare a short response to the report.

  • What criteria will reviewers use to evaluate the quality of my teaching?

    Your teaching will be reviewed holistically based on your teaching portfolio, example of curriculum design (subject outline) and observation of teaching. Reviewers will use broad criteria for what constitutes ‘good university teaching’ based on research evidence. The primary focus will be on what you do (and how well) to engage students and facilitate their learning. In making an overall assessment of teaching practice, the reviewers may also refer to the University’s Academic Performance Framework which outlines expectations at each academic level.

  • What happens to the reviewer’s report?

    Approximately two weeks after the observation, the Melbourne CSHE will send you the reviewer’s report.

    Where participation in the Melbourne PRT program has been mandated by a faculty/school, the Melbourne CSHE, with your prior knowledge and consent, may send the reviewer’s report directly to academic supervisors or HR staff within that faculty/school.

  • How long is a review ‘valid’ for?

    Review reports will be ‘valid’ for a three-year period.