Official statements from The University of Melbourne

Below are a list of official University of Melbourne statements and resources relating to AI, academic integrity, and assessment.

Academic Integrity

The University has developed a new site to provide information about academic integrity to the University community. Specific information for staff is available on this site (login required).

Acknowledging use of AI tools and technologies

This resource provides students and academic staff with advice about using declarative statements to appropriately acknowledge the use of AI in student assessments. This advice pertains specifically to the general use of AI in students’ learning, research and writing processes. It complements the advice provided on Re:cite, which covers situations where students paraphrase or use a direct quote from AI-generated output in their assessments.

Artificial intelligence tools and technologies

This is the Office of the Provost’s official academic integrity statement for students on the use of AI tools in the preparation of material for assessment.

Advice for students regarding Turnitin and AI writing detection

This page provides information for students around Turnitin’s new tool for detecting material that has potentially been written by generative AI tools

Statement on Graduate Research and digital assistance tools

The URL above links to a page featuring the University’s official statement about the use of digital assistance tools by Graduate Researchers.

Statement on research integrity and digital assistance tools

This is the University’s official statement about the use and appropriate acknowledgement of digital assistance tools in research outputs.

Referencing styles

The URL above links to Re:cite and the Library’s guidelines for how to appropriately reference AI tools.