Professor Leo Goedegebuure
Honorary Professorial Fellow
LH Martin Institute
- Building: Elisabeth Murdoch Building
- Road: Spencer Road
- Campus: Parkville
Leo is active in the field of higher education policy research and management, and has research interests in the areas of governance, management and higher education system dynamics.
An Honorary Professorial Fellow, Professor Leo Goedegebuure is active in the field of higher education policy research and management. From 2005 to 2019, Leo was Director at the LH Martin Institute. Prior to his move to Australia in 2005 (University of New England, Centre for Higher Education Management and Policy), Leo was Executive Director of the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), at the University of Twente, Netherlands, Europe's largest research centre in this field.
Leo's research interests are in the areas of governance and management, both at the systems and institutional level, system dynamics including large scale restructuring policies, university-industry relationships, and institutional mergers. Most of his work has a comparative focus, both within and outside of Europe, which has resulted in a strong international network. He is an auditor for the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Council and has been a member and rapporteur for the OECD tertiary education review of New Zealand. He has worked as an expert on governance and management in Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Africa, South East Asia and South America on projects initiated by the European Commission, the World Bank and UNESCO.
During the period 1997-1999, Leo spent a 3-year term in institutional administration as deputy to the Rector Magnificus at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, with primary responsibility for the teaching & learning portfolio. In this capacity he restructured the university's education programs. This experience not only furthered his overall management skills, it also equipped him with the project management skills to successfully direct complex institutional change processes.
Over his career, Leo has published some 15 books (both monographs and edited volumes) and over 100 articles, book chapters and papers on higher education policy, mergers, quality assessment, evaluation research, differentiation, system dynamics, engineering education, institutional management and comparative research.
Relevant recent publications
Davis, H. and Goedegebuure, L. (2017) Governance for sustainability in higher education, in Singh, D. & Stückelberger, C. (eds.) Ethics in Higher Education: Values-driven Leaders for the Future. Geneva:, pp. 217-230.
Goedegebuure, L., Schubert, R. & Bentley, P.J. (2017). Institutional differentiation in Australian postsecondary education: Hit and miss, in P. Altbach, L. Reisberg & H. de Witt (Eds.) Responding to Massification: Differentiation in Postsecondary Education Worldwide, Boston: Boston College Center for International Higher Education (pp. 53-61).
Schubert, R., Bentley, P.J., Goedegebuure, L., 2016. Profiling Institutional Diversity Across the Australian VET Sector. Melbourne: LH Martin Institute, The University of Melbourne.
Bentley, P.J., Goedegebuure, L., & Schubert, R. (2016). Profiling the institutional diversity of VET providers in Australia, across four broad dimensions. In L. Jackson (Ed.), 24th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference ‘No Frills' (pp. 8-23). Adelaide: NCVER.
Andrews, S., Bare, L., Bentley, P., Goedegebuure, L., Pugsley, C., and Rance, B., 2016. Contingent academic employment in Australian universities. Melbourne: LH Martin Institute and AHEIA.
de Barros, F., Goedegebuure, L., Meek, L., & Pettigrew, A. (2015). Institutional Governance, Leadership and Management of Research for Innovation and Development. In J. Huisman, H. De Boer, D. Dill, & M. Souto-Otero (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance: Palgrave Macmillan UK.