Online assessments in tertiary music classes: A meta-analyses


The challenge to teach music online is complex and multi-faceted; learning the creative art of music requires a supportive teacher and appropriate learning tasks and/or assessments. Research studies have identified that the use of technology is an effective tool to support student development of music knowledge and skills.

Prior to January 2020, less than 15% of Australian university music programs offered online music learning. The shift to online learning during COVID-19 resulted in many tertiary music instructors quickly adopting online music assessments.

Such transitions to online require an understanding of assessment alignment to learning objectives as well as appropriate technology adoption that supports inclusivity, curriculum differentiation and musically-supportive assessment and feedback. Given this context, understanding the degree to which specific online music assessments meet associated student learning outcomes is critical.


This project will undertake a formal systematic review with meta-analysis to identify research-informed online music assessments, enabling better-informed decision-making processes for instructors whose informed assessment choices can enhance the experiences for the students who complete them.


2021 Early Career Researcher Grant, The University of Melbourne


  • Dr Carol Johnson, The University of Melbourne
  • Dr Chris Deneen, The University of Melbourne


Results will be communicated with the development of a resource hub website, presentations and publications.

More information

Dr Carol Johnson, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, The University of Melbourne