MPRT subject outline

The subject outline

A subject outline (sometimes referred to as ‘subject guide’ or ‘unit guide’), is the information students receive about the aims and requirements of the subject.  This is often presented to students on the subject’s LMS site, or as a handout, or in a series of powerpoint slides at the first lecture/class.

While there are various ways that academics provide information about the subject to students, typically a subject outline will include:

  • A brief overview or description of the subject aims
  • A list of learning objectives or intended learning outcomes
  • Information about the assessment tasks including a description of task requirements, due dates for tasks and information about how they will be assessed (i.e. assessment criteria)
  • Other Information about the requirements of the subject and/or resources available to students

How your subject outline will be used in the peer review process

The subject outline allows the expert reviewers to see elements of your curriculum design. It will also provide them with some context for the class (or online equivalent) that they will observe as part of the MPRT process, i.e. how does the class fit in the context of the subject/unit.

At least three weeks before your scheduled class observation, please submit a subject outline for the class that will be observed, and note your role in the design of the subject. If you did not have a role in designing the subject, please state this and if possible, submit an example of curriculum that you have designed in another subject or unit.