Authenticity in teaching music online

Authenticity in teaching music online

Dr Bradley Merrick and Dr Carol Johnson
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music

The challenges facing tertiary music teachers during 2020 went beyond moving assessments and examinations into an online mode: how to approach teaching music performance online through the lens of disciplinary authenticity (i.e., music performance) had to be addressed.

This presentation provides an overview and practical teaching demonstration provided by two Melbourne Conservatorium of Music staff members from the MMUS PT graduate program. The short demonstrations highlight music performance teaching strategies and technology device management to support effective student engagement, assessment and feedback mechanisms with students when dual-mode teaching instrumental group lessons and emphasise how the use of camera angles, technology-based setups, and approaches to teaching interaction can support teaching presence (Garrison, 2011).

This Zoom presentation was part of the Melbourne CSHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2021 held on Wednesday 2 June 2021.